You've probably seen this phrase your entire career, no matter how long or short it has been: "No unsolicited submissions." Here are some FAQs to help you decide if and when to press "send" or otherwise share your creative content with other people.
KORGIVILLE—Korgi is updating its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. Many of the changes relate to the new community forum, Korgi Connect, which has been added to Korgi's services. Other changes are for clarity and readability.
Korgi Connect is a supportive and strategic space with events, tools, and networking to help members reach their goals. There also are private discussion groups for entertainment, entrepreneurship, education and other core audiences of Korgi users.
According to Korgi, "The updated legal terms will go into effect as of April 21, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific. By continuing to use Korgi on or past April 21, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific, you accept the updated legal terms as each of these terms may apply to you, and acknowledge receipt of the updated Terms of Service and Privacy Policy."
No further action is required by users.
All are invited to join the new community, Korgi Connect, right away!
You've probably seen this phrase your entire career, no matter how long or short it has been: "No unsolicited submissions." Here are some FAQs to help you decide if and when to press "send" or otherwise share your creative content with other people.
When you're writing a television pilot, your goal isn't to create a completed script, but to create a complete, and resonant, character. The reader has to know in the first 10 pages how your main character enters a room, what trait they fall back on in daily moments, and what they long for most deeply in their hearts.
Quick! Who was the star of The Office, A Different World and The Big Bang Theory? If you said Steve Carrell, Lisa Bonet and Johnny Galecki, you're right (at least at the beginning of each series). Now, slower: who was the protagonist of those shows? If you said Michael, Denise or Leonard...well, and I think […]